Those who wish to share in the experience of monastery life for a short time are welcome to visit for the day or for an overnight stay. They can request overnight accommodation as a guest to share in the lifestyle of the monastic community, as long as they are willing to follow the established monastic routines and are supportive of the Vinaya rules (monastic discipline) that the monks follow.
Our policy at Sarasota Forest Monastery is that first-time guests are allowed to stay a maximum of three days (two nights). If your first stay goes well, you may request to stay longer when returning for a second visit. All guests staying at the monastery are expected to observe the eight precepts, including not eating food again after the main meal at 10:30 a.m. Guests are also expected to participate in all aspects of the routines in our community. Such routines include helping in the kitchen with food preparation and cleanup, assisting with the monastery's daily chores and occasional work encountered during the day, as well as group chanting and meditation sessions.
If you have a medical condition or other compelling reason to be exempted from having only one meal per day, please alert us to your situation in advance. Please also be advised that the food at the monastery is not vegetarian. The monks respect the generosity of all lay donors and do not refuse any food offerings. The food available to lay visitors is the same as what’s first offered to the monks. Because of that, the monastery is unable to accommodate strict vegetarian diets.
If you would like to come for an overnight visit, please call, write, or email to make a reservation. You should be prepared for the Forest-Tradition way of life, as there are no permanent structures, electricity, or piped water on the forested land. You can stay in a simple screened meditation hut or a tent pitched over an 8' x 8' platform. Guests share the only public bathroom and shower room near the house property, which is immediately adjacent to the forested land, and can request a private compost toilet if they prefer.
Generally, there is no need to inform us of a day visit unless you want to talk to the monks or plan to meditate in the forested land. (Entering the forested land requires permission from the monks in advance.) You can expect to meet the monks every day if you show up at the monastery around 10:30 a.m., the time when the monks accept a meal offering from the laity at the main building.
In keeping with our tradition, there is no charge for the board, lodging, books, or teachings at Sarasota Forest Monastery. Everything is provided in the spirit of generosity by the monks and supporters of the monastery.
520 Lewis Street, Englewood, FL 34223 | SarasotaForestMonastery@gmail.com | (914) 914-7504 (Chailai Brune)